
2024 - Q1

The RPI for 2024 Q1 stands at 183.7, an increase of 1.8% from last quarter.

2023 - Q4

The RPI for 2023 Q4 stands at 180.4, an increase of 1.1% from last quarter.

2023 - Q3

The RPI for 2023 Q3 stands at 178.5, an increase of 1.3% from last quarter.

2023 - Q2

The RPI for 2023 Q2 stands at 176.2, an increase of 1.5% from last quarter.

HDB Resale Price Index

This resale index can be used to compare the overall price movements of HDB resale flats. It is calculated using resale transactions registered across towns, flat types, and models.
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